Search results for life+sciences+%3e+therapeutics+%3e+drug+delivery

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“Bio-Flex”: advanced formulation for sustainable stereolithography (SLA)
Background/problem Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing has transformed the biomedical field with creation of highly accurate, patient-specific medical devices such as tissue scaffolds, implants, and surgical tools. This technology leverages computer-aided design and medical imaging data to produce structures with precise geometries at submicron scales....
RECAST as an enhanced gene delivery system
Background/problem Gene therapy, a promising tool to explore pathogenesis and a powerful weapon to treat diseases at the genomic level, has been making strides in recent years. It has found use in various applications, from cell therapeutics to treating inherited, and neurodegenerative diseases. However, the current methods of gene (“therapy”,...
Processes and compositions to expand drug processing
Background Dr. Robert O. Williams III and his team have developed a method to expand the ability of the hot-melt extrusion process to increase drug loading in amorphous solid dispersions (ASD). Dr. Williams is the Division Head and Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery and the Johnson & Johnson Centennial Chair in Pharmacy at UT...
Ultrasound-programmable nanoparticles for targeted drug release
Background/problem Ideally, a drug meant to accurately target specific tissues or cells involved in a disease will do so and achieve an optimal dose and treatment duration. These will yield the intended cellular and physiological response without undue off-target and side effects. And yet, we live with the reality and risks of side effects. Novel...
Future drug-delivery system to treat brain tumors
Background/problem Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignant, primary brain tumor observed in adults, occurring at an incidence rate of 3.19 per 100,000 persons in the United States in 2017. Even with complete surgical resection of the tumor and adjuvant chemotherapy, these tumors often reoccur, resulting in a median survival of ~15 months. Part...
Inhaled formulations of the NSAID indomethacin
Background Patients suffering from headache and migraine have a limited list of thera­peutic options that often is shortened by issues stemming from tolerability or efficacy. For this reason, there is a big push in the industry to develop inhaled treatments for these disorders. The invention described here repurposes a compound with known efficacy...
Advancements in pulmonary antibiotic delivery: innovations for multidrug-resistant infections
Background Antibiotics like Tigecycline are vital for combating bacterial infections, but their intravenous delivery restricts usage to healthcare facilities, limiting options for patients outside such settings. The rise of multidrug-resistant respiratory infections, like those caused by S. maltophilia, necessitates innovative delivery approaches....
Convection-enhanced thermo-chemotherapy catheter system (CETCS)
Background Dr. Christopher Rylander, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin, and his team have pioneered the development of the Convection-Enhanced Thermo-Chemotherapy Catheter System (CETCS) to address the challenges in glioblastoma treatment. Dr. Rylander's expertise in biomechan­ical engineering, manufacturing, and design...
Revolutionizing drug delivery: smart hydrogels for precise nanoparticle and siRNA intestinal release
Background Intelligent hydrogels, specifically environmentally responsive hydrogels, are emerging as promising biomaterials capable of responding to biological environments and processes. These materials offer tunability and bio­compatibility, making them valuable for various biomedical applications, including tissue regeneration and controlled...
Unlocking the brain: boosting CNS accumulation of glioblastoma drugs
Problem In the pursuit of optimizing the delivery of brain-penetrating drugs, researchers have explored innovative technologies to enhance their accumulation within the central nervous system (CNS). Traditional strategies such as altering drug chemistry or formulation have shown limited success in extending patient survival, particularly in the context...

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