Search results for Life+sciences+%3e+Therapeutics+%3e+Synthetic+biology

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Genetically encoded protein-based fluorescent biosensor for adenosine diphosphate ribose
Background Adenosine diphosphate ribose (ADPR) is a biologically important molecule that is known to regulate oxidative stress, calcium homeostasis, and mitochondrial function. Very little is known about ADPR signaling because it is a fast and transient process. Our innovation addresses this challenge by streamlining the development of fluorescent...
Biomimetic high-strength bone implant polymer material
Problem Bone defects are a global issue affecting millions, caused by factors such as trauma, aging, disease, surgical resections, and congenital abnormalities. There are natural and synthetic options for bone grafts or replacement. A natural bone graft may come from the patient or a donor and is surgically inserted and provides a surface for the remaining...
Bacterial reagents: stable, low-cost, readily available reagents with no purification requirements
Problem Most molecular biology techniques commonly used in research, biotechnology, healthcare, and education rely heavily on purified functional protein reagents. However, purification of these protein reagents requires substantial investment of time, expertise, equipment, and infrastructure. As a result, this significantly limits the availability...
Fibrosis-free microfluidic meshwork implant for treating glaucoma
BackgroundGlaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world and affects almost three million people in the United States alone. The primary treatment option is to reduce the intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by fluid buildup in the affected eye, which is frequently accomplished by surgery to create an outflow of the accumulated fluid....