Search results for Life+sciences+%3e+Therapeutics+%3e+Drug+screening

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High-throughput screening platform for skin penetration and permeability for dermal drugs and skin care products
Description The skin is one of the most readily accessible tissues for delivery of drugs and therapeutics. Improving skin permeation and retention is a major focus for new drugs and skin care products. In the development stage of transdermal drugs, it’s important to probe permeability and test delivery methods in a high-throughput, cost-effective,...
Vascular regeneration using mechano-biologically conditioned mesenchymal stem cells
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an appealing cell type for use in therapies for ischemia, but clinical trials have not yielded consistent benefits for patients. In their current form, MSC therapies are ineffective and unreliable, particularly for patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Work done by Dr. Baker and his team overcomes many...