Calcium formate as a supplement to prevent neural tube defects


Neural tube defects (NTDs) are devastating birth defects that occur very early during gestation. We now understand that folic acid is crucial for the development of the neural tube, and prenatal vitamin formulations contain additional folic acid to ensure sufficient levels of this important vitamin in women who are pregnant or preparing to conceive. Additionally, food fortification programs in the United States and several other countries have been implemented for the purpose of preventing NTDs. These efforts have reduced the incidence of NTDs but have not completely prevented them. Further preventative measures are needed.


Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have identified a nutrient that prevents folic acid resistant NTDs in several mouse neural tube defect models. This nutrient is anticipated to prevent a portion of the remaining folic acid resistant NTDs in human populations.

Value proposition/benefits

  • Can be delivered orally
  • Shelf-stable
  • Inexpensive